About Us - CROBF

Welcome to CROBF, a team of developers committed to constant learning and creating innovative solutions in the software world.

Who Are We?

CROBF is composed of five professionals passionate about technology and software development:

Imagen del integrante Beresiarte Juan

Beresiarte Juan

Desarrollador Full Stack

Estudiante de la tecnicatura universitaria en programación en la UTN. Me apasiona la tecnología y el desarrollo de software. Me gusta aprender cosas nuevas y enfrentar desafíos. Soy una persona proactiva, responsable y comprometida con mi trabajo.

Imagen del integrante Casiano Ezequiel

Casiano Ezequiel

Desarrollador Full Stack

¡Hola! Soy Casiano Ezequiel, estudiante de desarrollo de software con enfoque en desarrollo web y Python. Siempre dispuesto a explorar y aprender más.

Imagen del integrante Ferreira Lautaro

Ferreira Lautaro

Desarrollador Full Stack

¡Hola! Soy Lautaro Ferreyra, estudiante de la Tecnicatura Superior en Desarrollo de Software, con un marcado interés en el desarrollo backend y la creación de soluciones tecnológicas robustas.

Imagen del integrante Osorio Valentina

Osorio Valentina

Desarrollador Full Stack

Soy una estudiante de programación de software con una marcada preferencia por el diseño de páginas web.

Imagen del integrante Rodriguez Magali

Rodriguez Magali

Desarrollador Full Stack

Soy una estudiante de desarrollo de software con una gran ambición por mejorar y convertirme en una profesional algún día.

We are defined by our diverse knowledge, eagerness to learn, and commitment to teamwork.

Our Philosophy

At CROBF, we believe that learning and success go hand in hand. That's why we have structured our team into two main areas:

  • Learning Department: A space where we explore new technologies, improve our skills, and prepare for future challenges. Here, everyone collaborates without hierarchies, sharing knowledge and growing together.
  • Profit Department: Focused on commercial projects that leverage our individual and collective strengths. This department allows us to transform our ideas into real solutions for clients and users.

Our motto: "Learn, grow, and create together."

Our Values

  • Teamwork: We value collaboration and diversity of ideas.
  • Trust: We respect confidentiality and protect our collective creations.
  • Commitment: We dedicate ourselves with passion and effort to every project.
  • Conflict Resolution: We prioritize dialogue and mutual understanding to overcome any challenge.

Our Purpose

  • Learn as much as possible: Expand our skills in programming, design, and software development.
  • Generate impact: Create innovative solutions that add value and solve real problems.

At CROBF, we don't just work on projects; we build an environment where everyone can grow professionally while doing what we love.

Our Vision for the Future

We are working to become a leading software development team, always maintaining our essence of learning and collaboration. Our goal is to continue innovating, exploring new opportunities, and growing both technically and personally.

Want to Know More?

If you want to learn more about us or explore our solutions, don't hesitate to contact us! At CROBF, we are always ready to face new challenges and build a future together.