Lautaro Ferreyra

About Me

Hi! I’m Lautaro Ferreyra, a student of the Advanced Technical Degree in Software Development with a strong interest in backend development and creating robust technological solutions. I am passionate about continuous learning and enjoy tackling challenges that test my technical skills while striving for efficient and creative solutions. I am curious, methodical, and dedicated, always seeking new opportunities for professional and personal growth.

  • TareApp-flask
    A task manager developed with HTML, CSS, Python (Flask), and MySQL.

  • TareApp
    A lighter version of the task manager created with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, using Local Storage.

  • IEStudiar
    An educational application developed in Python using Tkinter and Pygame, optimized for schools with limited resources.


HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript Python Flask MySQL Tkinter Pygame NumPy Pandas Matplotlib Scikit-Learn

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